Im My Mind

Saturday, June 9, 2012

What Else We Want ? :-)


I am rich enough to buy back my past
I am lucky enough to get it fast
They asked me to stay away
But I wanted it all my way
Steering the wheels of certainty
So, I am back and I am happy…

Enjoying Ice candy with nephew & niece
Getting up from bed with a morning kiss
Chasing butterflies and picking up flowers
Playing with blocks and making towers
Gaining childhood life is indeed classy
Of course, I am back and I am happy…

Life is free & budging on the track
Geared up to fly the miles on flash
Right to pick with whom I want to walk & talk
Can set a playlist rocking around the clock
Gone is the summer to prove my variety
No matter what, I am back and I am happy…

The princesses and the songs in rain
Happy endings in fairy tales again
I can start a fresh with no stain
"Do what you love" pops-up again
Dare to dream the desire of paternity
Yes indeed, I am back and I am happy…

Discovered, why BAD is so GOOD
Lasted as long as I could
I know - Changes rolls-in on the panel of dent
BUT - Living for the dream, loving for a moment
STOP !! No more pleas for pity
I am sure, I am back and I am happy…