Im My Mind

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Family - A domestic affair !

“No man is poor who has a Godly mother.”
Abraham Lincoln
Mom standing in a corner with huge tears in her eyes as if she is sure that she will never see you again. Kids hugs you at the rate of 10 times a minute, some of them being so intense that you are unable to breathe. Your dad is going in and out of the garage hauling your luggage while periodically screaming things like “Car! ASAP!”, “We are late! Let’s move!” “How hard can it be to get yourself in the car?!” etc. etc.
Then he looks at mom while passing her and screams in her ear: “We can cry at the airport, let’s get in the car first” which changes mother’s tears to anger and they start arguing which actually relieves you because it is a good distraction for your mother, at least for the time being.
So the screaming and the sobbing and the hugs and the tears continue while you make your way to the airport. Everyone sees you off like you are going on the voyage to never-land from where your chances of coming back are slim. Yeah, you see, I have a very supportive family.
And any consolation in your part will only be dealt with anger.
“Mom I am just going a couple hundred miles away, Its just a two hour flight. I will be back in May/June. It’s not like you are not going to see me for years!” I tried while hugging her.
"What rubbish! You come once a year and that too for a few days".
“Mom I was here for a month!” I try again.
"what month?! one month in a whole year!” she declares.
And the argument goes on...
Sometimes it bothers me because my family can create a scene and the airport, for one, is not the easiest places to find your way around because neither the people are friendly nor the staff courteous. You can’t do much with your mom sobbing, your dad freaking out and kids hugging rate and intensity continuously increasing by the minute.
I take a sigh of relief when I pass the security checkpoint and actually leave them behind. After that finding my way to the Gate becomes so much easier...
.... what about them???


Unknown said...

Amazing !!! Good one..

Unknown said...

they go bac and wait for the next tym u come.....