Im My Mind

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Life should move on !

Was all alone the entire day, waiting for an intervention. I knew I
won't have anyone to help me to get through; but it was hard to believe.

Yes - you rightly said, life should move on. Why to wake up crying in
the midnight.. why to wait for a call.. why to blame the fate or

You suggested to start a new habit to get engaged & divert the
attention. Yes, I attempted today. To be able to move on, I started to
learn to forgive & forget not only the person (or people) but also to
the situations.

I know this turbulence will come to an end; and if not, then this is
not the end of my life.

'Dream' - it is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality; why
can't a LIFE be like a dream?

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